Workshop Wednesdays Vol.XXVIII
Workshop Wednesdays vol. XXVIII
Let’s talk about perspective. Every now and again a life changing event will happen out of the blue that forces you to shift your perspective about what is truly important in this world. Without dwelling too much, it did get me thinking about finding a new perspective when taking a photograph. How often do you see photographers climbing a tree or lying on the ground with their camera? Have they just finally lost the plot? Or could it be that what you see at eye level just isn’t as exciting? Scenes and objects can be completely altered just by shifting your position, angle, height, direction and lens focal length. It’s time to shift your perspective, look at the bigger picture and create something beautiful.
HP Tip 1
It’s time to get low… you might look a bit weird, but next time you see an interesting scene, or you are photographing your children or pets… Lie on the ground! Even put your phone or camera on the ground as well and aim up slightly. This will be great with lenses with wide open apertures that create a very shallow depth of field.
Random Fact
“Perspective is a way of showing space in three dimensions. By using perspective, a flat picture can seem to show depth and distance, just as your eye would see it.”
Still one of my favourite maternity photos, thank you Joni! X
In The News
Marsden, England
Firefighters make their way across charred moorland after extinguishing a heather and grass fire on Saddleworth Moor in north-west England. The fire came after the UK’s warmest-ever February day.Photograph: Christopher Furlong/Getty Images
Photo For Thought
Lewis Hine | Cotton Mill Girl | 1908
Established in 1904, the National Child Labor Committee, existed to fight for the rights of child workers in the USA. They realized that the most powerful tool they had was to show the real face of these children. They believed that seeing these images of child labor would awaken the citizens to demand change.
When Lewis Hine, an investigative photographer, came across Sadie Pfeifer, one of the smallest children at work. Standing at just 48 inches, he knew he had a shot that would change peoples views.
This photograph along with others was a crucial part of the campaign which led to a change in legislation. The outcome of which was a 50% cut in the number of child laborers over a 10 year period.
Iconic Photographer:
Antony Spencer
“It’s ridiculously exciting. You just have to get over how incredibly beautiful what you’re flying over is, in order to make photographs without just being blown away by what you’re seeing”.
Dorset based Landscape Photographer of the year 2010 Antony Spencer
“It might feel at times like every inch of the Earth has been snapped and shared. And that the same shots in the same locations crop up in magazines or Instagram feeds with wearying familiarity. But landscape photographer Antony Spencer goes to great lengths to find new scenes and subjects, and provide his own take on them. That might mean taking helicopters over little known river deltas in Iceland, chasing thunderstorms across the plains of the USA, or exploring deep into the frozen wilderness of Norway and Greenland”.
~Article by Graeme Green: Professional Photography Magazine, UK
I can’t stop looking at these incredible photographs below from Antony Spencer. Just stunning!
Tip 2
It’s time to get high… Don’t have a light aircraft at your disposal? Us either! Just look for any vantage point that takes you above your normal eye-level. Be safe of course, but try and see how things might look from above if you can find some height. This might not be the most professional advice, however, even holding your camera high above your head, as far as your arms will reach, will provide a new perspective and you may be pleasantly surprised by the results (if angled correctly of course!)…
Photo above – thanks to Fiona and Greg (must be nearly 6 years now?!…) I took advantage of having a hotel balcony to capture this shot of the beautiful bride and her crew.
Tip 3
Perspective in relation to focal length…
“The other thing that lenses of different focal lengths have an effect on is what is known as “perspective.” To put it very simply, wide-angle lenses distort the scene, and telephoto lenses compress the view.
At first, you might think that to achieve the same field of view with different focal length lenses, all you need to do is move closer or farther from the subject. This is partially true, but the way your image changes will be very obvious, even if the subject is about the same size in an image taken with a wide-angle lens and then a telephoto lens.”
Story of the Week
Amelia just celebrated her second birthday! A little rockstar who loves music and is not shy of the camera…Her beautiful parents, Jubeta and Tarvin graced our studios when Amelia was only just born and I fell in love with their story, their warmth and hilarious sense of humour! A love that stretched over two countries on opposite sides of the world and created the most vibrant, endearing little Character that is Amelia. It’s been a pleasure photographing your family over the last few years and I can’t wait to see what adventures are in store for you next! It’s amazing what’s possible when two people fall in love…
Thank you for continuing the journey with us! We welcome your feedback and ideas anytime. Here’s to being inspired!
Best wishes from:
Hannah and Olivia (and Nic and Charlie)…,